Friday, March 19, 2010

Schools aim for consensus on future of student aid programs

In order to settle the current battle regarding the distribution of scholarship money in the Access Missouri program, officials from 10 universities have gathered to try to reach a consensus on the issue.

“The public universities decided that the current distribution of scholarship money is unfair to their students involved in the program,” said Rose Windmiller, director of state relations and local government affairs and Washington University’s representative in the 10-person group.

Currently, the scholarship awards a maximum of $1,000 and a minimum of $300 to students enrolled in two-year Missouri public schools. It is giving a maximum of $2,150 and a minimum of $1,000 to students at four-year Missouri public schools and Linn State Technical College. Additionally, students enrolling at Missouri private schools can obtain a maximum of $4,600 and a minimum of $2,000.

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